Monday, September 27, 2010

Baby Clothing Addictions

I love to buy baby clothing so much that I wondered do I have an addiction to buying them? Well actually I don't one thing about addition is that you can't stop yourself and well I can. Also I've read some other moms blogs about being addicted to buying them and well it's normal anyways! I think it's fun to dress my baby in all kinds of cute stuff and it's fun to buy them too! I find myself shopping for her way more than myself these days! She's more in style that me! Don't get me wrong I still try to keep up my appearence but her closet it packed way more than mine!

Do you have a baby clothing addition? What are your favorite brands?

I LOVE Carters! I also have alot more faves but just too many to list!

These are carters outfits we have all of these but pink one on the right which I believe my daughters friend Isla does have, her mom and I love this brand! I am assuming one day we will accidently dress them in the same outfit at the same time but it would be cute for them to be dressed the same!

This one my mom bought for MacKenzie, it is also Carters brand! Very cute!


  1. Ha, thanks for the Shout Out! I seriously love, love, love Carters. I find myself only buying it because it's simple, easy, cute and the materials are light and breathable. I also love that the outfits come together so I don't have to think about what goes with what.
    No Carters doesn't pay me anything or give me free clothes to say this either (I wish they did).

  2. i wish they gave me free clothes for advertising too!
