Thrifty Thursday is something I wanted to start on this blog from the beginning but it took me a while to get everything ready! So here are the rules:
1.) Got to love being thrifty!
2.) Share something you did that was thrifty for that week or during the month.
3.) To let others see your post comment on my thrifty thursday blog and invite others to look at your post for the week.
4.) You also must comment on at least one other blogger's Thrifty Thursday post whether it be mine or someone elses. As Thrifty Thursday grows we will ask you to comment on a few more per week so everyone can join in on sharing!
Okay that's it! That was easy! Now I will share my Thrifty Thursday a day late to get things started!
Thrifty Thursday
I decided to go to my usual thrift store this week but not to look for my usual buys...I wanted to explore other things that I could find to be thrifty! I love to do crafts so I looked around and sure enough I found some things to help me with my crafting! Crafting can get expensive so this really helps! Here is a list of my finds:
1.) Photo Prop for Baby Photo's- Red Silk Mini Purse
2.) Something to add to my Fall wreath this year...
3.) A picture frame, not sure what I'm going to use it for yet but I found it particular special since my family has a love for board games and it was so unique! (cost was $1)
4.) A Toddler Dress in Size 4 (to be used to make a apron for my daughter) This seemed to be perfect sense it had cherries on it and something about the red and white just appealed to me. (cost was $1)
The Before... |
The After...
5.) A picnic Basket (it looks brand new, it has a removable liner you can wash too) I loved this because I've always wanted a picnic basket but never find one that I really like. I love this one with the exception of the flowers on it. I am thinking of changing the flowers but we'll see. I'm planning on using it the first time this weekend on a family the hubby and baby MacKenzie! We love going on picnics!
6.) I know, I know...the list is still going! I really did great this week! The next wonderful find was a suprise for sure! I found a
Teddy Ruxpin ( I had one when I was a child and loved it!) this Teddy looked untouched! I can't beleive the good condition it is in! My daughter already loves it and I've not even got batteries in it yet! I of course only let her play with it while I'm sitting with her since it's for ages 3 and up but it's really a great toy for story time anyways!
7.) Okay so my daughter loves
Teddy Bears, I figured this out because I had one in my room since she was born she's always adored looking at it then she began to love to play with it so just about any time we are out and she sees a teddy she seems to love it! So where am I going with this, you ask? well I found another amazing Teddy Bear! This one is much like Teddy Ruxpin but it is much much much more expensive and for good reason! It's face, ears, and arms all move! It talks to you, sings and tells stories! You can even buy items for it to place in his hands that he will wave around and these items come with special stories too! So what is this wonderful bears name? T.J. Beary Tales! We only have the story and songs that come with him but MacKenzie loves him! I do however want to order some from ebay to add to the one she has! Okay the best part I saved for last!
This bear retails for around...okay gasp here....$190.00! I paid $1 that right $1! Now thats a deal!
8.) Last but not least...a Fisher Price Drum for my daughter...okay okay I know...I said I was getting crafty stuff only but I found these things and well couldn't pass them up they were awesome and to think for the toys I paid a grand total of $3! My daughter has a collection adding up of musical toys because we do music time everyday! She really enjoys it, we sit together and I get out instruments for her, I sing to her, I play music for her, and I encourage her to move to the beat of the music! So much fun! These drums were in my preschool classroom when I taught toddlers and I remembered the children loving them! I had to get them for MacKenzie, I just know she is going to enjoy them!
Okay that was it! I know it was alot but not every week is this good! Who am I kidding, I'm pretty good at this! I have a eye for these deals...or so I've been told!